Friday, June 13, 2008

Is it 2:30 am or pm?'s hard to tell when the sun is always shining. The answer is it is 2:30 am and I'm still up. I'm actually pretty tired, but the internet has a way of keeping you awake far too long. Anyway...things are still going well up here in Alaska. My job is going good, but I wish they wouldn't schedule so many servers. I guess the manager thought we were under-staffed the last two weeks, because this week he has scheduled five servers every day instead of four. We could definitely handle the small restaurant divided into just four sections. This week a smaller section has meant less tips for me. :( But that's okay. I'll get over it. We continue to get customers from all kinds of places though, which is really fun. Two days ago we had customers speaking in a language I didn't recognize, so I asked them where they were from. They're from Israel and they were speaking Hebrew! How cool is that!? It's interesting up here because the Latino population is very, very small. It's so different from southern Idaho in that respect. The other day I had a table of middle-aged ladies speaking Spanish, which is cool because it's the first time I've heard anyone speak Spanish since I've been up here! They told me they were from Spain and I conceded to them that I spoke a bit of Spanish myself. :) I tried to converse with them in Spanish as much as I could, and they told me I spoke muy bien! I proudly asked them if their comida was delicioso, and asked, "quieres mas vino o agua" (do you want more wine or water?) among other things. was awesome. Anyway, I digress. Now, on to what I've been doing with my time off....mostly I've been watching lots of TV and rented movies, taking Luke on walks, and of course mindlessly surfing the net. We've actually rented some pretty good movies lately, including Juno (Ben hadn't seen it yet), The Machinist, True Romance, The Darjeeling Limited, and Shoot Em Up. Out of all of these, my favorite was True Romance. How is it that I had never heard of this movie until I became a bordlerline obsessive Patricia Arquette fan? The movie is brilliant. I loved every minute of it. It's part love story, part comedy, part action/adventure. It was an all-around great film and a new favorite of mine. The movie has a great cast, too, including Dennis Hopper, Christopher Walken, Patricia Arquette, Christian Slater, the Gandolfini guy from the Soprano's (first name James?), and Brad Pitt has a small part as the stoner sidekick. Oh, and Bronson Pinchot (aka Balcy from Perfect Strangers) is also in it. Anyway, for those of you who haven't seen it and enjoy Quentin Tarantino (he wrote this movie, but didn't direct it), I highly recommend it. Keep in mind though that it is very violent and contains lots of profanity. The Machinist was also a fantastic movie--highly recommended. How about that Christian Bale? It's unbelievable how thin he got for that role. Sooo unhealthy, but the man is definitely dedicated to his craft. I'm a huge fan of his! Well, this post is getting long so I better end it now and head to bed. I miss you, Idaho(ans)!


Cathy Muir said...

Have you managed to get any pictures of you new living local??? I'm anxious to see the landscape around you! It sounds like it's cool and the sun up in the middle of the night is just! (I couldn't think of a better word) Keep writing, I'll keep reading your blogs. Ta ta for now and take care, Cathy

Melissa said...

It sounds really neat there Tiff. Cathy's right, you need to post some pictures! Thanks for blogging and keeping us updated on your life! Miss you.

Meagan said...

Ooh ooh me too me too!! I wanna see some pics!

Angela said...

Yes, where are the pictures!! Readers deserve to live vicariously through those who have lives. So stop watching TV, and go get us some pictures :)

Melissa said...

Yes, you were right about school Tiff. I can get A's! Thanks for believing in me! By the way, I just watched "Little Miss Sunshine" last night and it was such a GOOD movie!! I loved it! It is the kind you are laughing uncontrollably at one point and then crying at another. SOOO GOOD!!

Meagan said...
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Meagan said...

Seriously, Tiff... Angie is right. Go get some pictures! Have you done any awesome sightseeing or been to any totally neat places yet? I want to see pics of North Pole. It sounds so cute! Wish I could afford to visit. Love ya, miss ya!

Meagan said...

Why haven't you blogged lately? You only ever commented on my first post!